Friday 6 February 2015

Vindictive - Stereotypes of Action Films

There are many stereotypes in action films which make it look like the action hero is invincible.

One Stereotype is that the action heroes are never scared of getting into a fight, so if they are trying to get something then they wont back down to try and win it. For example if a bad guy has stolen from them then they will fight them and try and win to make sure that the bad guy doesn't get away. This also is the same for a chase scene they will try their best to get them and take them down.

Another Stereotype for a action hero is that they are amazing fighters, when they get into a fight they can block every attack that the bad guy is throwing at them, and when he gets hit he takes it like it was nothing, and when he hits the bad guy he gets hurt really badly. Also when the hero is in a car chase or is being fired upon he doesn't get hurt really badly he gets a scratch.

Some Action heroes are usually reckless so when they go into a fight they usually get beaten up and are in a dangerous situation later on in the film. However they always end up beating the bad guy in the end by hitting them with an object or getting a weapon at the last minute for example a gun and shoots the person.

They usually have a lot of skills which people wouldn't usually need, for example they know how to fight against brilliant martial artists, they know how to hack a computer with ease. When hacking a computer it makes them look very intelligent, so if there is a firewall which is impossible to hack they can do it within about 5 minutes when it would usually take people hours or even months to hack.

The hero is also very masculine, so he is very built up and is very muscular, so he looks like he can take anyone in a fight. Also he usually likes getting into fights because it gives him adrenaline so he might get into fights or fun. Also they have very good aim with guns and can usually hit a target from far away without even looking at the person. Or if they have just been in a fight they pick up the gun and have perfect aim after they have been nearly beaten to death.

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