Tuesday 10 February 2015

Vindictive - Day 3 of Filming

On the third day of filming we were required to film the chase scene and the beginning of the fight scene as we believed this would be the most effective way to film as it gave us time to manipulate the scene we were using to a higher degree and this helped showcase more of the characters to the audience and also showed their relevance to the plot in our opening scene. We decided to wait until the weekend after the last filming session as we believed that the after school idea was problematic as it didn't give us the appropriate amount of time to film what we wanted.

We decided to stick to the idea of chronological listing as we believed this was still the best course of action as it made it simple when reviewing our footage from the previous days to see how our story will pan out. So we started by filming the climax of the chase scene which proved to be difficult as we were often met with bystanders and cars going by as we had actually moved down the road away from the initial location of our film to a more open field. However we eventually filmed the main part of the chase scene through the use of a car as a stable foundation in which it supplied us with a good dolly shot between Matt and Conor in the chase scene.

After completing that integral part to our tense chase scene we developed it to show where they are travelling and the speed at which they are travelling to help emphasise the chase scene and make the scene more engaging to the audience. We showed the characters run down a muddy path in which we show how the settings change around them which can be complimentary on the eye of the audience. We then decided that it would be best to film the fight scene across a local bridge which actually is located down the same muddy path we selected as we believed that its close quarters would provide an interesting location for a fight scene.

We decided that the establishing moment of the bridge was to be shot from the high bank on one of its sides as it gave us a high angle shot of the characters running onto the bridge and we believed that this would give us the ability to give an effective cut between being somewhat distant of the oncoming fight scene to being actually level with the characters through it.

Although once again plagued by trouble from passersby due to the locations popularity with the public due to its access down a country path we were somewhat limited to the amount of time we could film in one go. However this did not faze us much as we decided that quick jumps between angles in the fight scene would be effective at broadcasting the speed of the fight. We manged to film the beginning of the fight scene with some difficulties but we managed to incorporate Luke, Matt and Conor in the fight scene which allowed us to create a three way battle between the characters in our opening scene. Although once again we found that evening was the enemy and it eventually became too dark again in which case we stopped filming.

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