Friday 6 February 2015

Vindictive - Stereotypes in our Film

We tried to make our Heroes as close to action heroes as we possibly could, we tried to act tough when we got the phone call. So when we got the phone call we ran straight away to the scene like we are trying to look like we care about people. When the body is found we go down to see if he has a pulse, when we find out he doesn't we make it look like we are sad but soon we forget about the body and go out to chase the bad guy.

Also we tried to make them fighters. When we go into the fight scene we try to make the heroes look really good at fighting by making them do all kind of fancy moves for example a round house kick, which is when the person spins around and kicks out from behind. This shows that they have a good knowledge of fighting and that they are experienced fighters so people should be careful when fighting them.

The Bad guy that we are fighting in our film is a assassin, so he has been in the military in the past and has a lot of experience in fighting. So he is a trained killer who is taking care of a persons problem. In this scene we make him look very aggressive to the heroes because of the way he fights. He fights very professionally in the film, he blocks and dodges most of the the hits thrown at him.

Overall the heroes are the ones that come out in the end defeating him by a Knock Out scene, but the bad guy is the one who is the better fighter out of the three and is the one who is intended to be more tougher than the other characters.

The clothes that we wore were not very close to what action heroes wear we wore coats,jeans and trainers, which is not accurate to normal action hero clothes, they are usually in soldier uniforms and suits, Sometimes they can wear normal clothes but that is usually when they are a undercover cop or a secret agent.

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