Friday 6 February 2015

Vindictive - Practice Production Title Analysis

The Production title was made on adobe premiere elements 10. We used this program because it is the easiest software to use  and it is the only one provided to us which gives the tools we need to make it look good.

At first I got a picture from the internet of a random picture, in this case we used the Aurora lights, we used this because it is a nice picture to use and it makes it look professional. 

After i put it onto the software i add the text box onto the image, this then shows a timeline at the bottom of the software where we edit the image and text. 
The blue line is the Video file even though it is a picture, the purple lines are the text which are added over the top.

The reason for why they are above each other is because then you can make them show up at the times you want foe example Title 08 enters in after 2 seconds this  is a good way to make the animation look good and professional
After this i put the text over the top by using the text button at the bottom of the screen this then creates a timeline bar for the text, which is the purple the line.

After i put them all in the right place for example I made the picture file last for 5 seconds which is the full length of the production credits, so for the first letter which is "C" we made it start at the same time as the video. Then the second letter comes in at around 1 second and lasts to the end. It is the same for the rest of the text as well. 

The final screen should look like this with the full animation, CWP Films which is all of our Surnames and then films. 

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