Thursday 12 February 2015

Vindictive - Day 3 of Editing

On the third day of editing we were required to finish what we needed for our film which involved us completely cutting and manipulating the fight scene into our film and then editing the entire film to ensure a smooth professional finish to every part of our film. We started with the fight scene as it obviously was a priority to get it sorted before doing any final editing.

We started off by bringing up the designated file on the editing software which contained the relevant clips which we were required to cut and edit to go into our film. After recollecting it we began by viewing what we had and then cutting each individual clip where necessary, as we wanted a relatively quick paced and vibrant fight scene between the three main characters. We achieved this relatively quickly as although we had an array of different shots and angles, many did not need to be cut too much due to the nature of the fight scene.

In the fight scene the characters each have moments in which they recover and so with this in mind we barely manipulated these parts as we believed they would be effective at portraying the physical attributes which are so commonly associated with action movie heroes. However for the other clips; including the actual punches or kicks we needed to alter them substantially to keep the ecstatic flow of the fight scene which allows a more emphatic view on the choreography of the fight scene in our opening scene to the movie.

After we finished cutting down the scenes to fit into the time frame we then ensured that it all ran smoothly throughout the entirety of the film. Although a few visual complications and a couple of enigmas were present, we deemed them necessary to the understanding of the audience and decided that it we rendered the lighting of the individual clips we could resemble the same lighting from the other clips to make it seem more realistic and professional.

Afterwards the final task we had to do was to ensure the music and sound effects we had chosen were all in the correct position in accordance to the actual film in general. We were also required in addition to incoroporate our production credits wgich we had created earlier into our film for a more authentic look and we also placed relevant credit to the various people who took part through the short opening credits we used. The final thing we had to do after completing the tasks was to incorporate the final title of the movie; so in this case we decided that an animatic title would be a better choice due to the action movie genre we had chosen and so we got one of our previous designs for a title and animated it using adobe fireworks. We then placed it into our film at the end to help add emphasis onto the name of the film and we believe this will be integral at relating to the audience.

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