Monday 2 February 2015

Vindictive - Own Idea Brainstorm

Genre: Horror
  • Train Station at night
  • Murderer or paranormal entity
  • Antagonist appears at end
  • Eerie
  • Dim lighting

The setting we want to use is a train station at night or with dim lighting. This creates the danger effect and makes it more eerie. It should also be empty so should be filmed when no trains are coming or loads of people there.

The main character of the scene could be a female as they are portrayed as innocent and vulnerable in dark moments when they are alone.

Genre: Action Not a lot of dialogue
Villain boss speaks to henchman, tells him to get the two heroes
In the woods
Hero walking around, villain revealed behind him
Suspense arises as villain prepares to make his move on hero without hero knowing
Suddenly hero blocks attack (possibly hears a stick break that the villain steps on
Fight Scene - camera moves horizontally as fight takes place. Both hit each other, hero delivers final blow dazing villain, POV of villain on floor, looking up to the sky, blurry vision, hero appears blocking the light
Hero stamps on villains face. Boot creates black screen, title revealed

Wears cool shades
Walking boots
Long opened jacket/shirt
Styled hair
Doesn't speak much

Pale face
Scars on face-under eye
Red/dark eyes
Casual/dark clothing
Zombie-like, has virus infection to brain
Doesn't speak
Makes growling noises, shouting noises

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