Friday 6 February 2015

Vindictive - Fighting Tutorials

The Tutorials that we looked up were mostly fight scene tutorials and how to make the scene look good. We looked up basic punching tutorials in film and it came up with a lot of tutorials but the ones that really stood and helped us out was a channel called Indie Action Movie Tutorials, they show how to do all of the punching and explain in good detail, they also make it very useful because they make it simple so that it is easy to practice. We also looked up other tutorials for example "How to make fight scene shots look good" It came up with selling hits on camera which shows good shots for the fighting scene. They show good shots and explain how and why they are used.

When we come to do our fight scene we will have more knowledge on how to make the punch look real without actually punching the person, because real punching wouldn't look as good and more unrealistic then a fake punch. On the tutorial it tells us to punch in front of the persons face and they have to react like they have just being punched, by doing this it makes look like they have been hit really hard and gives the audience the perspective that the person who has been hit so hard that he has been knocked to the ground. Also it makes it look like the guys can take a hit because the way that they hit the person makes it look so powerful that it would knock them out on the first hit but it doesn't.

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