Tuesday 10 February 2015

Vindictive - Day 2 of Filming

On the second day of filming we decided that in terms of filming, that a chronological ordering of the scenes would be the easiest way to film our movie as it would allow us an easier time when we come round to editing the film. We decided to focus on the establishment of the protagonists in this scene and also attempted to acquire part of the chase scene. We decided to film the second day on the weekend as it was much more practical in terms of times as it gave us a larger expanse of time to work with when constructing our scene.

We decided that it would be best to overlap the scenes from the previous day of filming with the ones we were attempting today as we believed that would be most effective at bringing across the action credentials of our film. We began the filming from where we left off and thus began the filming of Luke and Matt in which they discover the death of Bills character. We originally decided that it would be a good idea to use our local train station as the establishing moment for our protagonists but were met with some unfortunate problems when we tried to do this. As shown by the vlog we were actually hit with train problems in which the trains were unavailable until a later time which just so happened to be too late to be filmed due to the time of day at which it gets dark being a major factor.

We did however decide on an alternative, which may not be as effective as the original plan but we had to fulfill the priority of getting and achieving the establishment of our main characters in this scene. We decided to use a suburban housing complex located in close proximity to our filming location as we believed that this would be a key factor in our plot of the movie. We decided that a medium shot of the protagonists would best suit the scene we are filming and when followed by the short dialogue between characters, we as the audience find out how the two overlapping scenes revolve around eachother.

We then decided that the discovery scene would be best filmed through multiple different angles due to the speed at which the characters are travelling at. Conor positioned the camera accordingly in which Matt and Luke repeated the scene as we believed this to be the most effective way of completing this part of the scene.

We managed to film the initial discovery of Bill's characters body which we filmed inside using the same lighting as previously done in the first shots. Matt decided it would be best for the storyline if the protagonists have a quick glimpse at Conor's character running away from the scene of the crime which helps give incentive for the chase we were getting ready to film. We managed to complete this scene relatively quickly which gave us a fair amount of time to film the beginning of the chase scene.

When filming the beginning to the chase scene we decided that it would be best to have shots at various locations which allowed us as the audience to witness more of the chase between our villain and the protagonists. Although initially plagued with vehicles at various intervals during this scene we eventually managed to get the beginning done. However we also ran out of time to develop the chase scene as it got dark again, but overall it was a successful day of filming.

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