Sunday 8 February 2015

Vindictive - Final Script

Matt - Primary protagonist / best friend
Luke - Secondary Protagonist / action hero
Conor - Main antagonist / murderer
Bill - Victim

establishing shot
CWP Films

*scene is introduced with Matt and Luke walking out of a suburban housing complex in which they are contacted by Matt's phone*
Matt: Hello?
*the question is answered silently to Matt but to the enigma of the audience*
Matt: alright . . . .  Got it
*Matt puts the phone down and turns to Luke
Matt: we have a homicide at 5 Tilt meadow
Luke: 5 Tilt Meadow? thats down the road from here
Matt: ok lets go!
*Matt and luke are seen to be running to the specified location, the scene cuts to a supposed fight between Conor and Bill in which Bill is seen to be overpowered and eventually thrown down and supposedly killed by Conor*
*The scene shifts again in which Luke and Matt are shown to run towards a specific house and enter with haste, in which they discover the body of Bill on the floor. After checking for a pulse, they find out that he is in fact dead, Matt goes to check out the window in which he spots Conor attempting to flee out the back.*
*Matt and Luke split up in which Matt travels round the back in pursuit of Conor whilst Luke exits out the front in an attempt to cut off Conor's escape. Matt and Conor are seen to be running through the various gardens of the residential house in a full out chase scene in which they eventually run out onto an open field in which they are seen to be heading down a mud path*
*Eventually they are seen to get onto a bridge in which Matt catches Conor and is actually pushed past him, Luke eventually catches the other two in which they engage in a fight. After a long fight between the three Matt and Luke are shown to be victorious of the fight ending the opening scene*

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