Thursday 12 February 2015

Vindictive - Day 2 of Editing

On the second day of editing we were required to actually cut and blend the videos we had created into the professional and designated ordering we wanted. We began by splitting the clips into three sections so that we could focus on the editing on one specific bit to allow for a higher quality finish of each part. We chose to do the chase scene first as we deemed that to be the most time consuming in terms of sorting it out as it most likely contained the highest number of clips overall.

We began by cutting each individual clip so that it would be quick and efficient to help emphasise the chase scene happening. So we ensured that each shot wasn't prolonged too much as we believed that could have a negative effect on our film as the quickness of the chase scene helps engage the audience into our film and so it was integral to achieve a high standard in this part. We managed to achieve this for each of our clips we used as we cut each one to an appropriate manner in which the audience are still fully aware of the storyline of our opening scene and remain engaged throughout the chase scene.

 We also decided that through the use of the music we had chosen that we would correlate the movie clips with the music to help create a tense atmosphere amongst the audience and add effect to the beginning of the chase scene. We decided that due to the music we chose having a quieter opening followed by a louder percussion noise before going into the main section of the film, we decided that the shot of the protagonists seeing the antagonist attempted escape would be a good shot to use it on as it adds the necessary emphasis on the antagonists discovery.

Secondarily we focused on the opening scene and Bill's character death, we all agreed that the main part to this scene was the short dialogue between the main protagonists and the discovery of the body. So playing on this idea we developed the audio of the clips involving the protagonists so that the audience can hear them clearer and that the friendship between the two may be broadcast more through their interactions with one another.

The next part we focused on was Bill's death scene in which we decided to keep relatively short as we wanted to ensure that the chase and fight scene got the relevant screen time due to them being the main part in our opening scene. However we still cut down both these scenes extensively to help add effect and we wanted to incorporate some sort of ambiance but decided against it as we thought it was more suited to a horror film. Afterwards we had to stop there due to the time it took us to cut and edit these pieces in with there various different requirements, so we were not able to finish all the scenes as we had to focus on the fight scene which we all knew would take an extensive amount of time.

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