Friday 13 February 2015

Vindictive - Certificate Rating of our Film

The certificate rating of our film would be a 12

It would be considered a 12 because there is a lot of violence in the film which is not appropriate for young people of age because it could influence them to become violent to other people around them. They could also imitate the fight moves, which could result in there own injuries. Also there is a scene where a person is getting murdered and strangled which could make people feel uncomfortable. There is no blood or bad injuries which show blood in the film which is why we have not put it at a 15. Also there is no sex or nudity in the film because if there was that means it would have to be put as 15 rated.Another factor which keeps it at a 12 is that there is no swearing in the film, there can be swearing in a 12 rated film but there can't be a lot because it would be put up to 15.


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