Sunday 8 February 2015

Vindictive - Final Setting

For the Final setting we chose to film in a place that we can all get to and isn't really far away all of us. We chose to film at one of our houses but it was only for the scene where we discover the body of the first protagonist brother, after we made the decision to do the fight scene at the bridge. Which at first we thought was a good idea however there was a bad factor to filming at the bridge, People kept walking past the bridge because it is a public place and that gave us a disadvantage to get the shots in a short amount of time. We spent over 4 hours there filming because people kept walking past and postponing out film time. But it was all worth it in the end because it was a nice location and it was a closed space which gives us the opportunity to use the environment around us, to use it for the fight scene.

The setting that we originally wanted was to be set into the woods ( The Old Common in Cobham) where there is hardly any people to disturb the filming. Also it is a place where a murder would usually happen in action films so we were thinking of going there but the plot changed and we ended going to a place a lot closer.

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