Tuesday 10 February 2015

Vindictive - Day 4 of Filming

On the fourth day of filming we planned to complete the film by finishing the fight scene and creating and developing the start to the chase scene. In the fight scene we planned to showcase the individual skill and professionalism of our characters through the choreography of the fight scene as we believed this quick style of fighting would be effective at portraying this.

We decided that it would be best to film the beginning to the chase scene first as it would be the essential part in setting the chase scene. We were required to film inside due to the continuation from the previous scene so we did not want to be affected by the lighting outside if it got too dark. We managed to film this part relatively easily due to the lack of interruptions from other people. After completing the part where they see the main antagonist flee the scene of a crime, the audience are introduced to the chase scene in which we were required to film outside.

We decided that shots used at individual corners would provide a good base for the chase scene as it represents the speed of the chase scene and allows the audience to see this due to the shot angles we used. We ensured to show where the characters were running from and where they were running to as to not confuse the audience of where the characters are in proportion to eachother.

Afterwards we decided to finish up the fight scene as that was an integral part to our movie, we continued to film at our designated location which we filmed at previously as to help keep realism in our movie. Although unfortunately we were once again plagued by bystanders due to the weather we were presented with on the day, however we managed to eventually complete it with some troubles.

We managed to film the fight scene in a wide array of different angles as we believed that the quick interchanging of the shots would add speed and versatility to our fight scene. However whilst we were filming Conor experienced an injury when filming part of the fight scene which limited what we could afterwards, however this was towards the end of filming so our overall film wasn't hindered as much as it could of been. Eventually we finished the fight scene before it got too dark which allowed us to ensure that overall the lighting did not change too much as we managed to film all the film in a similar lighting.

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