Tuesday 10 February 2015

Vindictive - Day 1 of Filming

On the first day of filming we set out to get the beginning of our film which involved us filming the death of Bills character in the scene and the establishment of Conor as the main antagonist. We shot this sfter school as we decided that this would be the best way to film the beginning due to the relative ease of assembling the cast together.

We began by filming the relevant stages of the death scene which involved us centralising around Conor and Bill in this part, we decided it would be best to have Bills death scene portrayed at my house as we decided that the contemporary feel of the location would be effective at intriguing the audience as they may relate more between these characters. We all agreed that the best way to kill off Bill in this scene would be through Conor's character killing him; through strangulation. Although proven somewhat difficult we managed to get the opening shots of the tussle between Conor and Bill which results in Bill's character being thrown into an opposing room.

During these shots we ensured to stick to the 180 degree rule which allowed us to position the characters amongst the scene depending on how the camera was set up. We also used the rule of thirds when filming to try and make sure that the film is engaging to the audience and that it looks somewhat professional during tense scenes such as this one. We tried to ensure that the lighting in the scene was appropriate and we were required to use the lighting at the house due to the darker style interior, although we felt as if this would not affect our film as much as we filmed the rest of this scene in the same lighting to prevent confusion amongst the audience.

We then proceeded to the dining room in the house in which we filmed Bill's final death scene; in which he is killed by Conor's character whilst on the floor. We used various different angles in this scene as we believed it would be appropriate to show many different angles to help reflect the speed and danger we want to represent in our film. We used a POV shot after Bill is knocked to the ground as we believe that that would best suit an action film, Luke helped suggest various ways in which we could manipulate the scene through the camera angles to help make it look better.

After we completed the initial scene we were forced to finish there due to the scenes becoming somewhat difficult to film as we eventually ran out of light, as it was approaching evening. So we eventually called it a day as the lighting was becoming ineffective and the characters were not seen as clearly, so that concluded the first day of filming.

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