Wednesday 28 January 2015

Vindictive - Update to Plot

In our opening two minutes, the scene opens with the main antagonist and another character in which they are engaging in a fight in which the antagonist is shown to be over powering his opponent who is in obvious distress. The scene cuts out and focuses on the two main protagonists in which they are shown to be walking in a residential district in which they are then contacted by who the audience assume is their designated boss. The boss instructs them to go investigate a crime happening in a house nearby in which they comply with the request and are seen to run towards the required destination.

The scene cuts back to the main antagonist in which it shows his final attack on the other character in which the other character appears to of been strangled to death. The protagonists are then shown to be running towards a house in which they enter to discover the body of the other character. After quickly checking for life signs, they are greeted with the grisly fact that he is in fact dead. One of the protagonists then checks out the window in which they see a man attempt to escape from the vicinity in which the protagonists split off with one following the escapee and the other attempting to cut off his route. The escapee and the chaser run through the rural neighbourhood across the various obstacles which they come across with the other protagonist in close pursuit.

They run up a muddy path in which the protagonist manages to catch the antagonist on a wooden bridge, in which the antagonist manages to retaliate and force the protagonist past him; after a stumble the protagonist regains his composure and gets ready to fight. The protagonist is then joined by his colleague in which they then face off with the antagonist with one on either side of the antagonist. They then engage in a close quarter fight between the three of them in which the antagonist depicts his individual skill after being disarmed and gains the upper hand before being pinned back by the onslaught of attacks by one of the characters.

He manages to substantially injure one of the protagonists with his weapon in which him and the other protagonist face off in a one on one fight, involving a lot of swift punches and tactics in which they try and beat each other. The protagonist eventually wins the fight in which he knocks the antagonist to the floor with the weapon and subsequently restrains him, he then attempts to tend to his friends wounds but to no avail as his colleague dies. Overcome by rage he raids the body of the antagonist for some sort of information on why this happened, he eventually locates a phone which then rings at that exact moment, followed by the scene ending.

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