Friday 23 January 2015

Action Movie - Questionnaire Results

Participant 1:

1. spy/war
2. over the top action
3. attractive girls
4. excited
5. very often
6. yes
7. anyone
8. the Hunger Games/ Saving Private Ryan
9. not really
10. maybe

Participant 2:

1. sci-fi
2. good storyline
3. attractive girls
4. tense
5. rarely
6. yes
7. anyone
8. star wars
9. yes
10. maybe

Participant 3:

1. gangster
2. dramatic deaths
3. attractive girls
4. intrigued
5. very often
6. yes
7. friends/siblings
8. star wars/ wolf on wall street
9. yes
10. no

Participant 4:

1. spy
2. fight scenes
3. attractive girls
4. excited
5. very often
6. yes
7. siblings
8. saving private ryan/star wars/ enemy at the gates/defiance
9. sometimes
10. no

Participant 5:

1. spy/gangster/war/sci-fi
2. fight scenes/ good storyline/ car chases
3. sophisticated hero
4. excited
5. often
6. sometimes
7. anyone
8. Valkyrie/defiance/ taken
9. not really
10. yes

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