Thursday 22 January 2015

Action Genre - Questionnaire

1. Whats your favourite type of action film?
- spy
-martial arts
please state________________________________________________

2. What do you look for in a action film?
- relateable characters
- good storyline
- over the top action
- fight scenes
- car chases
- other
please state_______________________________________________

3. what characters do you expect to see in an action film?
- masculine hero
- sophisticated hero
- damsel in distress
- crazy villain
- female protagonist
- Attractive girls
- other
please state_______________________________________________

4. How do action films generally make you feel?
- excited
- tense
- anxious
- curious
- intrigued
- bored
- enraged
- other
please state______________________________________________

5. How often do you watch films?
- very often
- sometimes
- rarely
- never
- all the time
- other
please state______________________________________________

6. In particular, do you enjoy action movies?
- yes
- no
- sometimes
- not really
- other
please state______________________________________________

7. Who do you like to watch films with?
- parents
- friends
- siblings
- strangers at the cinema
- other
please state______________________________________________

8. Whats your favourite action movie?
please state______________________________________________

9. Do you generally look for music in an action film?
- yes
- no
- sometimes
- not really
- never
- other
please state______________________________________________

10. Would you watch an amateur action film?
- yes
- no
- maybe
- other
please state______________________________________________

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