Wednesday 28 January 2015

Vindictive - Questionnaire Analysis

Looking at the results we got from our questionnaire about action films in general we found that our participants had various similarities between their results. We found that a common theme throughout our questionnaire was that the vast majority of participants selected an attractive girl to be a character they would expect to see in an action film which we can most likely relate to the majority of participants being male in our survey. We also found that all our participants experienced positive emotions after watching an action film including terms such as excited or intrigued and that the majority also watched films in general often. One answer stood out as being very popular which all of our participants answered yes when asked if they enjoy action films which is a positive sign for the film we have selected to make.

Some key differences we also saw in the results were the difference in category which our participants chose in terms of favourite type of action film; we found that participants were often split between war, gangster and spy films which helps emphasise the broad audience which watch action films. We also saw a split in terms of favourite films, we had some selecting a variety of war films such as Defiance, Saving Private Ryan and Enemy at the Gates as well as this we also saw star wars as a popular choice amongst our participants. We also saw a range of answers in terms of the participants willingness to watch an amateur action film with only one participant saying yes whilst the others were split between no and maybe which highlights the initial uneasiness of our participants at watching an amateur film.

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