Thursday 8 January 2015

Blog Post Check List

Genre Research and mind-maps (3 posts)
Uploaded YouTube videos of openings – analysed (10 openings)
Opening titles analysed in detail – font researched
Uploaded YouTube videos of similar genre openings analysed in detail (3 posts)
Costume and location research – google earth and pictures you’ve taken. (At least 2 posts)
Setting – pictures of the setting, maps/google images

Costume research – explaining the characters costumes and how the audience would identify with their costume.

Actors and props photos and interviews
Soundtrack research (non-copyright music)
Audience Research and Profiling (typical audience member and similar films)
Action Movie target audience – could you include the statistics of an action film audience from the Pearl and Dean website?

Institution research (Paramount etc)
Certificate research
Own film idea brainstorm
Own film treatment
Relevant Online Tutorials (on filming and editing) and Comments (At least 2 posts)
Documenting of influences on production
Shot lists
Consideration of representation in your film and stereotyping – use theory from G325.
Questionnaire (and feedback) Get some feedback on your initial ideas!
Diary of filming/editing etc with photos and screen grabs (At least 3 posts)
Mood board
Practice titles created and uploaded
Storyboard – animatic.
Storyboarding - animatic, scripting and location research is lacking and I am expecting video diary posts to show me how the filming is going

Time Management Schedule – what you did& when, problems you encountered& solved
Codes and Conventions featured in your Opening Two Minutes
Ensure that all posts have a title, detailed comments and relevant pictures which are commented on.


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