Wednesday 21 January 2015

Vindictive - Soundtrack Research

We have looked at a range of different soundtracks to attempt to compliment the film we are making and its individual qualities. We researched specific non-copyrighted soundtracks by using the available filters on the websites we were using, there were a wide array of moods and genres available under the action category which all had different tempos and rhythms to it. For our opening scene we will need at least one soundtrack which will accompany the chase or fight scene we are planning to achieve and as we are mainly focusing on non-diegetic soundtracks to help add emphasis to the on screen actors and the plot of the movie, we may require a slower quieter soundtrack to play in the background to help add tension to the scene we are portraying. To find these soundtracks we will be looking on the website -

When choosing the soundtrack for our film we chose to stick to percussion or acoustic music to help emphasize the main chase and fight scene in our film, however we will add other elements to our music to add structure and tension to our scene. It also gives our audience an obvious indication of its action genre and allows them to compare our movie to others of the same genre.

When choosing the specified website we ensured that we were given appropriate choices of different genres appropriate for our type of film. The genres we looked into particularly were suspenseful, action, chase scene and tense, we chose these because the main scene we looked into to be accompany was the chase and fight scene we are incorporating into our action film. We also looked into a slower more ambient type of music which could be used to play in the background behind the production credits and the introduction.

1. Volatile Reaction by Kevin Macleod -

After choosing our options for our possible soundtrack, the website gave us some selected soundtracks which fitted towards what we are expecting in our soundtrack, from the options that we had chosen from. The first music we selected was Volatile Reaction, we chose this because we believe it would be suitable for our chase and fight scene as it begins slowly and the tempo then increases dramatically which could emphasize the chase between the antagonist and the protagonists of our film.

2. Feral Chase by Kevin Macleod -

The second option we deemed acceptable for our film was feral chase as we believe it would offer us a substantial good starting area in the film. We believe it would be best suited to use during the production credits and introduction scene to our movie to help make the atmosphere tense, which helps our characters in the film stand out more with the dialogue they are reciting and allows the audience to become easily immersed into our opening scene.

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