Wednesday 28 January 2015

Vindictive - Influences on Production

Our production was influenced by a variety of different action films across the genre which allowed us to compare the similarities of the films in the genre to help us pick a suitable plot to our movie opening. We decided to look at a range of opening scenes to various action movies including Getaway which offered us a unique opening scene incorporating flashbacks and the plot of the movie together to help emphasise the dialogue between the characters and helps add structure and effect to the film.

We also looked at various action films involving a fight or chase scene at the beginning of the film as that is what we are aiming for. Including films such as quantum of solace in which the scene opens with a chase scene between the main character and the first antagonist they have to battle. It also highlights the protagonists individual skills and allows the audience to relate more to the character as they can compare him to other action movie heroes in the genre.

Our main protagonist was influenced heavily by the stereotypical strong hero in action films including James Bond as he is shown as a strong but often quiet type in the film, we based Luke's character on this as we believed it would reflect action heroes in general and allow the audience contrast the characters in our film with other action movie heroes. We also decided that due to our film containing two heroes, we also looked at the role in which the other protagonist could play. We also looked at action movies which revolved around two main heroes including movies such as the other guys in which we are presented with characters which contrast eachother. We are planning to incorporate this into our film as we want to show this difference to help emphasise the characters relationship and allows us to relate more to the characters more in our film. We have thus decided to make the second protagonist a more light hearted character who may be used to relieve some of the tension in our opening scene.

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