Saturday 25 October 2014

What are you Doing Here? - Media Studies Production

What are you doing here? - Media Studies Production
Sound - Diegetic sound is used throughout the 9 second film sequence, as the task instructed we said the statement "what are you doing here?" in a variety of different environments using different camera angles. 
Camera Angles - During the video we used an over the shoulder shot, a low angle shot and a high angle shot which allowed us to ensure we got a variety of different shots using the different camera angles and we as a group selected the best ones. The camera angles were effective as it gives the audience a different look and setting in each one used. However we could of improved by acquiring a wider array of different shot angle such as panning or close-ups and used them to emphasize the message of the video.
Software - we used the specified editing software Adobe Premier Elements 10 for the editing of our video as it was simple to use and allowed us to easily manipulate our video by cutting, adding and changing the videos we filmed, this allowed us as a group to select the three videos with the highest qualitity to be in our final video. We managed to incorporate a tital scene with the original three clips which helped add structure to the overall film. However it would of been ideal to understand more of Adobe Premier Elements so we could manipulate the film with a higher degree of versatility to edit the film.
Camera Type - for filming we used a GE Digital HD Video Camera DV1 which allowed us to capture all of the required footage which we needed, it was a small and practical camera which had high quality 720p resolution which helped us to achieve the best quality image possible with the equipment we possessed on the day of the filming. It was an easy to use, versatile piece of equipment with simple instructions on how to take optimal film and process information using the editing software; Adobe Premier 10. Some negatives however; include the fact that the camera was too small for a tripod and so the quality of the image could be distorted or slightly hindered with slight movement of the hand of the filmer. This made it difficult to keep the high standard which we would strive for throughout the entire filming sequence.
Location - During the filming sequence we had a set location which we permitted to use; this location happened to be anywhere we deemed necessary amongst our school grounds. As the task suggested we had to use a variety of different shots and so as a group we had to make use of the environment we were in to help take any specified camera shots. For example the last shot we took was filmed on top of an outdoor staircase to give us a high angle shot of the scene unfolding in front of the camera.

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