Thursday 9 October 2014

Codes and Conventions of the Action Genre

Codes and Conventions of the Action Genre

usually certified as a 12/15 rating
often mixed with another genre e.g. sci-fi/adventure/romance
fast paced editing
includes some amount of cgi
produced and distributed by major Hollywood companies 
include a large amount of diegetic and non-diegetic
involves enigma codes to tease or puzzle the audience
romantic sub
uses close ups extensively
some sort of humorous dialogue is used to diffuse situations

the characters in action adventure films tend to be believable
the protagonist is usually assissted by a group of people caught within the action
main character is very masculine and muscled

normally uses some sort of exotic locations

usually involves a small group of trained armed militia who decide to pull off a suicidal mission
some of the group refuse to go on the assignment but later return to save the main hero
includes some sort of emergency surgery or fatal injury to one of the protagonists
involves some sort of tense moment such as; a fall from a great height, some form of torture, some sort of ascent or decent up a large obstacle e.g. a high rise building, a mountain or a ship.

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