Friday 5 December 2014

Vindictive - Prop Research

Prop Ideas:

There are lots of props which are going to be used in our movie. For our main character we are going to make him dress up like a action hero. So he/she would wear a black coat or suit and shades ( sun glasses)

Shades (Sun Glasses) - The shades would be used to make him look like they mysterious and like they are trying to hide themselves so they don't know who their identity is.Suit: The main characters would be in a suit to make them look like real a hit-man, this also makes the audience think that they are being payed or working for someone. This also makes them look like they are trying to look like they are being serious.  The main antagonist is going to wear a suit to make him look like he takes business very serious and is not to be messed with.

The henchman is going to wear a waistcoat which is smart and black trousers so he looks like he is going into a fight.The main protagonist is going to wear a long black coat and trousers- we chose the main protagonist to wear a long black coat we want to make him look like he is a serious character. For example when the hero is at the beginning he is either wearing a coat or an army uniform.The secondary protagonist is going to wear a jacket, shirt and trousers and sick trainers.
we want to make him look like a sidekick of the hero, so he is not as skilled as the hero, so he still learning from the hero. So he can't fight as good as the hero.

The Head antagonist is going to be dressed in a suit like he is part of the mafia, he is also going to be sat behind a desk. This makes him look he is the head of the business.

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