Monday 8 December 2014

Vindictive - Audience Research

For the action target audience it would mostly be men from the age 16 - 40 because males who are teenagers love a good adrenaline burst so that they can feel hyped about the movie. This is used because when you are grow up you can get the adrenaline and it makes the audience feel like they can do anything. Action movies attract males as it is stereotypical for men to be attracted to violence films.  There would be different types of races that watch action moves only because it is one of the most watched and biggest out of all of the genres.

Jason Statham is a good example for action movies this is because he is a the stereotypical man who is strong and seems like he doesn't want to be messed with. This would make male audiences want to watch because he knows how to fight and most males like violence because it gets their blood pumping and gives them  adrenaline.

Things that would attract the action audience would be helicopters explosions, hand to hand combat, gunfights, adrenaline bursts and a main character who portrays a action hero very good.

In our movie we are trying to include hand to hand combat to make the film  seem like it has more action in it and gives the audience more adrenaline  for when they are watching. Also we will make it seem like we are in the mafia so that we can make the audience think that we are going to make it so that there is a good chance that the audience will think that there is going to be a lot of fight scenes and action.

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