Thursday 13 November 2014

Preliminary Task Analysis

Preliminary Task Analysis

For our preliminary task we were asked to film a short scene involving three types of shots including a match on action shot, a shot-reverse shot and the 180 degrees shot.

Strengths - In the filming of the scene we were able to establish to the audience of the setting of he scene and correlated the scenes geography well as our camera shots stuck to the 180 degrees rule, this ensured that the audience would not become disorientated and or confused of where the characters are positioned in the scene. In the scene we used a variety of different camera shots to help emphasize the scene to the audience. During the editing of the film we were able to ensure that we got a nice clean cut between shots for the majority of the scene which makes the scene more fluent and easier to watch. We also ensured to stick to the 30 degree rule whilst filming which helps set the narrative.

Weaknesses - In the scene some weaknesses were present, this includes the quality of the filming as whilst we were filming the camera slightly wobbled during the filming of the scene. Also in some parts of the film, some scenes were prolonged which may be classed as unprofessional as the scene may become more fluent if the scene is cut quicker. One of the cuts appears slightly jerky as the camera wasn't steady during the filming so this has become slightly more obvious when the film has been edited and the shots have been sequenced together. It is also apparent that the lighting between the many shots shown differs substantially which may make the film seem a lot less realistic to the audience.

We have set some targets for our film including: using a tripod to ensure that there is no camera wobble which will allow us to ensure the shot is stable and focused and during the editing process it would ensure that the film will run smoothly and add realism to the scene. We also would need to make sure that the lighting during the scenes is constant which will allow the film to seem more realistic to the audience and emphasizes the camera shots and the dialogue.

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