Saturday 1 November 2014

Jurassic Park Opening Scene Analysis

Jurassic Park Opening Scene Analysis (Own Choice)

Jurassic Park is introduced to the audience first by using a tracking shot of leaves rustling to help establish to the audience through the use of diegetic sound the type of creature they are dealing with. The shot doesn't seem to focus on a set character at the beginning which gives it a hint of mystery and keeps what we can assume to be the main antagonist a secret which is typical of the genre as they usually act upon this curiosity to help emphasize the antagonist to the audience and allows us to sympathize the characters on screen who are placed near it. The shot then eventually begins to center around a character and zooms in to help add effect and shows the audience the emotional status of those involved. As the scene develops we are introduced to a low angle panning shot of a steel crate which helps suggest to the audience that in some ways the creature located in the crate is more dominant then the characters portrayed in this scene. Afterwards we are introduced to a long shot of the steel crate and the supposed setting of the film which is established through the use of text at the bottom of the screen. A point of view shot is used of the creature to reveal to the audience the creatures sights and motives and the audience can then infer that this will be the main antagonist of the film as the camera has indirectly centered around the creature for the whole opening scene. The scene afterwards contrasts the antagonists power and dominance over the characters as shown earlier by the low angle shot as the creature shifts the so called 'gatekeepers' power as the high angle shot of him is replaced with a less personalized and eye level shot oh him being attacked.
A low pitched dramatic non-diegetic music is used in the opening credits to help set the atmosphere of the scene which follows and allows the audience to be become immersed into the characters situations quicker. Diegetic sound is used between the narrative events occurring on screen and the dialogue between the characters to help emphasize to the audience the power of the creature and allows them to relate the creature to others from a similar genre. The camera constantly focuses on those who emit sound on screen as it helps set the scene and brings a greater sense of realism into the setting and can allow the audience to relate the exotic location to a place they know of. The dialogue between the characters for the majority of the opening scene is minimal as that allows a primary focus to be on the antagonist and how it affects those around it. The diegetic sound of the monster is sharp and strong and this helps contrast the power that is represented in this scene as the characters are shown to take extreme precaution in handling the creature.

Some characters are introduced in the opening scene including the primary antagonist and a couple of secondary characters and this difference in importance to the plot line helps emphasize the antagonist and its influence to the audience. The audience recognizes that the main antagonist is present as the camera is mostly centered around the creature and the dialogue of the secondary characters present suggest that the creature is evil. The secondary characters present are all wearing the same blue workers uniform which infers to the audience that they are not of real importance but one character is centered more in terms of camera shots and he is wearing a hunter type outfit. His dialogue and uniform suggests that he has a leader like role and could be of more importance to the film then the others around him.

In the opening scene the audience would identify by looking at the mise-en-scene, certain symbols which are present to suggest to the audience the power of the antagonist; this includes the extensive precaution used to keep it restrained and the weapons which are present in the later stages show that it will be a problem later on in the film. This can make the audience feel like this is the primary setting of the film as the antagonist is situated here which may infer that the main characters are yet to be introduced to the audience.

Certain puzzles are used in the opening scene which primarily revolves around the antagonist present including: its origins of how it was created and where it currently is situated in the film. After the initial death scene of one of the secondary characters the audience wants to know what will happen to the creatureand the other characters which we have been introduced to.

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