Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Evaluation Task 4 - What I've Learnt About Technology

we used this selected tripod as we believed it to be practical as its legs were adjustable as it allowed us to get high and low angles and the top of the tripod was easily adjustable and so we were easily able to tilt to camera to achieve the various different shots and angles we wanted.

We used a camera similar to this model as we decided that it needed to be relatively small as it allowed us to carry it without much hassle and it was also practical in terms of its usage. However we were also required to film with our phones at points such as the fight scene as we believed that a slight shake would make it seem more realistic and quick to the audience.

Image result for adobe premiere elements 10 starting page

When editing the film we used Adobe Premier Elements as we believed that due to its location on the schools computer, it made it easy to access and it was also simple to operate once you learnt the tools on how to use it. We learned how to incorporate the various clips and music we found to be suitable for our film as well as edit and cut them for the sake of the storyline. We were also able to create some production credits which had an animation to them.

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